Monthly Archives: May 2010

Bloggers and the Formation of the ASEAN Community 2015

With the support from the  Directorate General for ASEAN Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs , I took an initiative to hold  ”Seminars and Dissemination Implementation of the ASEAN Charter and the establishment of the ASEAN Community in 2015? in Hotel Inna Simpang on 22 May 2010.  I invited Ambassador Hazairin Pohan,  dr. Raden Ajeng Purwaningsih (Ajengkol) and Abdul Ghofur (Gempur) as speakers at this event. While the participants were bloggers from Surabaya (, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Malang, and Gresik.

As reflected from the theme of the event. I would like to inform the development of ASEAN cooperation, especially after the signing of the ASEAN Charter on 15 December 2010 to the public through bloggers. In my view, people should know ”the new ASEAN” as an organization  with clear legal rules and have legal personality. Pueople should also aware that ASEAN continues to move toward the establishment of an ASEAN Community in 2015 with motto “one  vision, one identity, one community” .

60 Years the European Union

On May 9, 2010, 27 European Union (EU)  member states celebrated its 60th year of its birthday. We must admitted that the founders of the  EU are actually people who are knowledgeable and farsighted. Beginning with the Robert Schuman proposal, former French foreign minister and one of the founders of the EU, on May 9, 1950 to establish cooperation between European countries in the form of community, 60 years later the proposal materialized with the integration of the European Community, known as the EU.