Comic fans certainly familiar with Tintin, a character created by Belgian comic artist Georges Remi or Herge (1907-1983). Tintin is a young journalist from Belgium who actively investigate cases of international criminal and adventure to various places, from Russia to the Moon. And in each of his adventures, Tintin is always accompanied by Milou, a fox terrier type dog.
Through his strong imagination and a comprehensive research, Herge was able to narrate every Tintin adventure with enough detail. Herge did not just make a comic series for children who showed muscle strength, he shows Tintin’s views and attitudes toward an issue that was raised at that time.
Tintin adventure story begins with the publication of Les Aventures de Tintin, reporter du Petit “Vingtième”, au pays des Soviets (Adventures of Tintin in the Soviet Union) as a comic strip in Vingtième newspaper published in Belgium in 1929-1930 and made a separate album on 1930. Since then (1930-1986) Herge published a series of Tintin adventures in the Congo, America, Egypt, China, Tibet, Australia as well as in the Moon. Totally there are 23 books plus an unfinished work “Tintin and Alph-Art” in 1986.