Monthly Archives: October 2013

Deepening China and Indonesia partnership

Tulisan di the Jakarta PostDalam rangka kunjungan Presiden RRT Xi Jinping ke Indonesia tanggal 2-3 Oktober 2013 saya membuat opini mengenai hubungan RI-RRT. Opini yang saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggris ini dimuat di harian the Jakarta Post tanggal 2 Oktober 2013 dengan judul ‘Deepening China and Indonesia partnership’. Berikut tulisan saya selengkapnya:

On Oct. 2-3 Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Indonesia, the first stop on his maiden Southeast Asia tour that will also take him to Malaysia and the APEC Summit in Bali.

The momentum of the visit is timely, as the world is still experiencing the global economic crisis and political uncertainty in some regions. With the Asia-Pacific becoming the engine of the world economy in recent years, Xi’s visit will enhance ties between China and its Southeast Asian neighbors.

Xi, who became the new president of the People’s of the Republic of China in March 2013, has known Indonesia well since the beginning of his political career. He had strong connections with Indonesia during his tenure from 1985-2002 as regional party leader and governor of Fujian, a province from where Indonesia’s Chinese tycoons mostly hail.