About Me

Diplomat, Blogger, Traveler and Food Lover. Work at the Indonesian Foreign Ministry. Graduated from Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, Jakarta (1993), Graduate School University of Santo Tomas, Manila (1997), majoring in Business Administration and  Graduate School University of Indonesia, Jakarta, majoring in International Relations (2002). Blogging since 2006 and will continue to write to share experiences, views and opinions as well as prevent forgetfulness. Hope my articles will be useful for many people and found many friends and companions. You can contact me at ahuxi@yahoo.com or arishu@hotmail.com. You can also find my social media account at Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/arisheruutomo), Twitter (@arisheruutomo) and instagram (@arisheruutomo)

Best Regards

Aris Heru Utomo

6 Responses to About Me

  1. sigit says:

    Pak Aris,
    Wah keren banget blog nya,,,,jadi kepingin banget untuk punya neh,,,hehehehhe. Please ajari gimana buatnya donk pak,,,,,seperti yang pernah kita obrolkan kemarin di kereta jurusan bekasi,,,,,kalau ada kegiatan mengenai blog,,,,,beritahu dan undang donk,,,, thank ya pak. aku terusin baca tulisannya.


    BPPK, Kemlu

  2. yulyanto says:

    Pak Aris gitu loch! :-)

  3. Dadung says:

    mampir ah…wis suwi ora mampir ternyata makin eksis nih abangku yang satu ini …he…he…..

  4. m ikhsan di astana says:

    tulisannya bagus2 pulang dari beijing bisa 1 buku sendiri dong! belum genap 4 bln sdh banyak koleksi tulisannya, pengen saya bisa ngeblog yg baik hehe

  5. Isbiyanto Es says:

    Salam kenal. Blognya bagus pak, mantap!

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