Kimberly Process and Trade Diamond

Do you still remember the Blood Diamond movie (2006), starring Leonardo DiCaprio? The story is about the portrait of the diamond trade and conflict a civil war in Sierra Leone, Africa in 1999. As an area that have many diamond, ironically Africa has become an arena of conflict of interest. Western countries has exploitated the diamond mines in those region. As a result, though endowed with the wealth of the rich diamond mines, diamond sales have no effect on improving the welfare of African people. That funds from the sale of diamonds used to finance the war and ongoing conflict.

When the Security Council of the United Nations (UN) cut off sources of financing the war in 2000, the conflict can be mitigated. At that time UN initiative to have a meeting in Kimberley Town, South Africa, to discuss the cessation of the illicit trade of diamonds. Consumers also persuaded not to buy diamonds that are not clear origins.

To determine the origin of diamonds, the UN General Assembly in 2000 adopted a resolution to establish an international certification scheme called the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). In the KPCS was agreed that the diamond trade that has not been processed regulated by the state, regional organizations and other related organizations. KPCS applying strict requirements for its members to monitor and prevent the trouble diamonds entering the official market. For the KPCS members (including Indonesia, which became a member since August 1, 2005) required to implement internal controls and all sales of unprocessed diamonds must be accompanied by a certificate of origin of diamonds.

In order to assure the truth of the certification process and stop the trade in conflict diamonds in the region, relevant stakeholders such as members of the KPCS, industry and civil society work together in working groups to conduct surveillance, record the diamond trade statistics and test of a diamond. So far in the KPCS mechanism could prove a nightmare end to conflict diamonds in the region and the future it is expected to continue well.

Learning from the Kimberly Process certification, similar mechanisms may also be applied in the trade of products other natural resources like wood. So far timber certification process is already beginning attempted by many timber-producing countries to prevent trade in wood from illegal logging. However, there seems to have an international agreement can bind to many countries. Indonesia itself, in order to prevent trade in illegal timber into the European Union (EU), currently being negotiated within the framework of the cooperation agreement the European Union Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (EU FLEGT). Through this mechanism, the timber is traded in the EU area are certified to explain the origin of wood. The timber importers in the EU were banned for import timber that has no certificate. With this provision, is expected to illegal timber from Indonesia who came into Europe via Malaysia or China could be prevented.

3 Responses to Kimberly Process and Trade Diamond

  1. dhodie says:

    Jadi KPCS ini mengatur khusus untuk berlian yang tidak jelas asalnya ya pak? *masih rada bingung soalnya* hehehe

  2. Yup benar Dod, KPCS ini mengatur penjualan berlian agar berlian yang diperjualbelikan diregister terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui asal usulnya.

  3. asta says:

    bikin kpcs itu dimana ya? yang mengeluarkan sertifikasinya siapa?

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