Tag Archives: Cold War

Book Review: Indonesia – Russia Relations

Book title: Sahabat Lama, Era Baru: 60 Tahun Pasang Surut Hubungan Indonesia-Rusia.

Book language: Bahasa Indonesia

Author: Tomi Lebang

Publisher: PT Grasindo Widiasarana Indonesia

Year: I, Juli 2010

Pages: 180 + xx pages

Price: IDR 55.000,-

The Russian Federation is one of a respected superpower and leader of the Eastern Bloc countries in the cold war era (1947-1991). Geographically, Russia is the largest country in the world (17.8 million km), consisting of 11 time zones (compare with Indonesia which only has three time zones). Politically, Russia is a permanent member of UN Security Council, members of Group 8 (D-8), G-20 and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), an alliance of powerful nations in the world besides the United States.