Tag Archives: EU

Emoticon Diplomacy ;-)

In line with global changes, the political map in various parts of the world continues to change, including in Europe. The end of the cold war, not just make the Eastern European countries to break away from the influence of the Soviet Union (Russia) but also affect the process of regional integration in Europe. Like it or not, the process appears mutual suspicion and misunderstanding between one another.

60 Years the European Union

On May 9, 2010, 27 European Union (EU)  member states celebrated its 60th year of its birthday. We must admitted that the founders of the  EU are actually people who are knowledgeable and farsighted. Beginning with the Robert Schuman proposal, former French foreign minister and one of the founders of the EU, on May 9, 1950 to establish cooperation between European countries in the form of community, 60 years later the proposal materialized with the integration of the European Community, known as the EU.

Kimberly Process and Trade Diamond

Do you still remember the Blood Diamond movie (2006), starring Leonardo DiCaprio? The story is about the portrait of the diamond trade and conflict a civil war in Sierra Leone, Africa in 1999. As an area that have many diamond, ironically Africa has become an arena of conflict of interest. Western countries has exploitated the diamond mines in those region. As a result, though endowed with the wealth of the rich diamond mines, diamond sales have no effect on improving the welfare of African people. That funds from the sale of diamonds used to finance the war and ongoing conflict.