Tag Archives: Solo

Solo, Batik and the Spirit of Java

When people are talking about the city of Solo, many are asking where is Solo and how far from Yogyakarta? Even when we are talking about the culture of Java, many relate it to Yogyakarta. For the Javanese, those questions are a bit strange, but not for foreigners. For them, the Solo is Yogyakarta. They’re not entirely wrong. Somehow, we should acknowledged that Yogyakarta more popular than Solo.

Geographically, Solo the sort name for Surakarta lies some 60 Kilometers east of Yogyakarta. We can go to Solo using personal vehicle, bus or train. We can also go to Solo using the aircraft and landed at Solo’s Adisoemarmo International Airport. So far there are 8 flights a day from Jakarta. There are also some direct flights from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.